Do you drink enough water for your teeth?

Did you know that drinking water may actually be the best solution for your dental health? Because water has significant dental benefits!  Hey there!  You know that brushing your teeth two times a day and flossing once per day is pretty much the norm for a healthy dental routine. But what else can you do to keep your dental health top-notch? Well, diet and water play a big part.  If you want to really kick off the new year right, stop in so we can assess your teeth and get you on the right track. Just click below to visit our site and set up an appointment. Now, as simple as it may seem, drinking water is up there as one of the best things you can do. Not only is water essential for your health in general, it also has quite a bit of benefit for your teeth!

Water beyond important and not only for your body.  Yes, we may be mostly made up of water, but it is so much more than that.  Water keeps your mouth hydrated and increases saliva flow.

Water helps to fight dry mouth. If your mouth is dry, your teeth risk erosion simply because saliva flow is low, which means your mouth won’t be as healthy and active in killing and washing away harmful bacteria. This gives is a double power to not only help keep your body running well, but keeping your mouth safe.

Because water keeps your mouth hydrated, it allows your salivary glands to work better. And everyone knows that saliva is a natural cleaning agent that helps protect your teeth and cleanse your mouth of food particles that could cause dental problems.  So make sure you are drinking your fair share each and every day.  It is suggested that 8 glasses of water a day is the correct amount and this is something that we all probably need to work on achieving each day. 

Now if you live in the city then your water typically has fluoride. This is recommended as a boost for your teeth and is required by most federal and state legislators to be put into the water to keep our dental health safe and secure. 

Fluoride is known as a natural cleanser and fortifier for your teeth. It’s what resides in almost every kind of toothpaste and is the reason we brush our teeth in the first place. Not only does it wash away food residue, but fluoride is also known to help build up any lost enamel in your teeth. This allows your teeth to stay on top of the constant tug of war with bacteria. 

Now one of the coolest benefits of water is that It can clean your teeth.  This is taking health to a new level when you take a daily beverage and make it a helper to your health and not something that harms you.  So think about changing your soda or pop out for water instead and maybe your dental health can take a huge leap forward. 

Water also helps to wash residue away, just like saliva does. So, any food particles that somehow escape your twice-a-day brushing routine (which you should be sticking to!) are taken care of by water washing it away. By drinking water, you not only hydrate your body but also flood out your mouth so that residue doesn’t eat at your enamel.

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