Crowning front teeth 

For some people, they might need a dental crown in some cases. In some instances, it may be needed directly on the front teeth.  Some also get crowns for different cosmetic reasons too.

Most normally, crowns are put on teeth for the reasons below: 

  • There’s a lot of damage, including big cracks 
  • It’s super decayed 
  • There’s been a root canal done on it 
  • It’s broken 

When it comes to molars, they usually offer either porcelain or a metal crown, or a combination of both, which has porcelain that’s over the top of metal.

When it comes to front teeth, you might get porcelain or ceramic options for front teeth, as they offer a natural color that’s better than others. 

You may wonder how strong these can be? Well, while porcelain fused to the metal is much stronger, the front teeth don’t require the chewing capabilities that the back teeth do, so durable metal in most cases is not needed.  If you need a specific type of crown, you can always talk to your doctor, and see if they can get you something that will help them. Crowns are great, but always remember that they cannot be a replacement for actual teeth, so make sure that you continue to take care of your teeth as best as you could to keep them nice and healthy for as long as possible. 

Minimizing Front Crown Appearance 

A lot of dentists will match the crowns to one’s natural looking teeth so they’re not out of place. 

However, keep in mind that they won’t be able to be whitened.  You should get a whitening prior to the crown being placed. If it’s matched before they’re whitened, they’ll look much darker than the other teeth.

Hollywood smile with porcelain crowns and veneers

The materials also tend to make sure that you have a look that’s realistic. Porcelain is the most natural looking of these, and usually, this, along with the metal bonded ones are the main choices. However, metal bonds are far less realistic, due to the opaque nature of these. Then there are the tooth colored ones which are the most realistic of them all. 

Caring for this 

Crowns are a little bit fragile, so it’s imperative that you take care of these with as much care as you possibly can. Try to brush this twice a day, especially with some fluoride, and make sure to use floss to clean between each tooth daily. Interdental devices also work for this.

You also need to make sure that you see the dentist as much as you can, to make sure that they’re not damaged, and are completely stable. 

You should always make sure not to crack the crown, because there are habits that are harmless which can crack or chip this porcelain there. biting your nails, chewing on some ice, and using teeth to open things are examples of habits that can harm your teeth.

You should also make sure to avoid anything that stains the teeth, including but not limited to red wine, tea, and coffee.  Also, if you smoke, try not to do that, as this also stains the teeth. While porcelain is not easy to stain, the teeth next to it start to get stained, so the crown will be much more obvious.

If you’re worried about crowns potentially ruining the smile, don’t be. Crowns are great for helping you keep your smile intact. Plus, with the technology we have today, you don’t have to worry about it possibly looking weird, because new precautions are taken every single day to ensure that it’s in place.