What Dental Bonding is 

Accidents happen, and there are tons of ways a tooth may get chipped, and a few ways to repair it. One of them is tooth bonding, or enamel bonding. It’s cost-effective, and good for minor problems that happen with broken teeth.If you have cracked, chipped, decayed, or problems with teeth coloring, bonding might be the best way to get your confidence, and a winning smile back.

What it’s used for 

Bonding is where you get some composite resin on the tooth’s surface to fix it. It’s simple, not expensive, and a cosmetic procedure that’s done in one visit. With lots of dental issues that bonding can fix, it’s good for discolored or chipped teeth.

It also may choose to close the larger spaces between one’s teeth, changing the shape and making them look longer. They are also used in metallic or amalgam fillings to protect the exposed rooted part with gums that are receded. 

How it’s Done

Luckily, bonding is a very simple procedure that requires just one appointment. 

A composite resin made from plastic is placed on the tooth. It’s perfect to mold there, so if you’ve got a newer tooth, it will fit with the smile. 

Here’s the steps that go with the dental bonding procedure. 

  1. First the dentist will clean the tooth in order to create the best bonding surface possible. 
  2. They apply the resin and then shape that bonding material. 
  3. The bonding is then dried with UV light, and shaping takes place 
  4. It’s polished for a natural look, and then they floss it to make sure that it’s smooth. 
  5. It usually takes thirty minutes to an hour to fix this. but if there’s multiple teeth, it takes multiple visits. Most tooth bonding doesn’t require any anesthesia, so you’ll return to daily activities right after the appointment. 

Risks to Bonding  

There are a few risks to this. The main downside is that it will never be as strong naturally as natural teeth, so there is a chance that these can break off, or chip completely. If you’re going in for tooth bonding procedures, it may be time to kick those habits, including biting fingernails, chewing on pen caps, and ice, as they will impact the resin.

Care for bonded Teeth 

How long your bonding lasts depends on what you need done, and habits orally, so it’s vital to give the teeth that are bonded with as much care and attention as the natural teeth might.

Bonding material is very prone to staining, so make sure that you watch how much you consume coffee, tea, wine, and cigarettes. 

Avoid these foods for up to 48 hours after any procedure. If you do have some sharp edges on the teeth, or they feel weird when you bite down. if they fall off or completely chip, contact the dentist immediately. 

How long they last can be anywhere from three to ten years before needing to be repaired or replaced. If you brush your teeth twice daily and interdental flossing, it does extend that dental bonding effectiveness.

These regular visits also keep the mouth healthy, ensuring that the dental bonding is functional. 

Try to avoid eating hard, chewy candies, and don’t pick at the bonding.   When playing sports, protect your teeth with a mouth guard. If you do grind your teeth at night, try to prevent the grinding and damage with a night guard. 

Tooth bonding is pretty affordable, and usually only requires a single appointment. It’s pretty cheap and is usually under a grand. It’s great to get the confidence that you need.