Back to School Oral Care Kits 

With the school season always a focus for many parents, oral care is something that’s oftentimes not fully looked at, due to the flurry of haircuts, shopping, schedules, and even new seasons. When a child’s starting a new grade, putting together oral care kits for kids is perfect. That way, they’ll be able to walk into classrooms wearing the hottest accessories for the school year: bright, healthy smiles. Different kits vary based on age groups, and you’ll be able to experience your full journey with this. 

Planning these Kits

When putting together these kits, you want to get into good habits first and foremost, so that it sets up the family for success in the long term. 

While the weeks leading up to this feel like they’re forever, you should know that the health of a child is a critical part of starting this calendar. 

When you’re prepared for healthy routines, you’ll be able to kick things off in a strong manner. 

Taking time to schedule dental checkups a month before they begin, and even stocking up on oral hygiene and other items, and even good snacks is good.  It sets them up for a future of bright, healthy smiles. 

Now for kids ages 5 to 8, they probably don’t have a regimen down yet.  But don’t ferret, that’s normal. The simplest solution is to have reminders that’ll help them brush and get them to do this.  getting them to brush for 2 minutes, and then having them do this twice a day, especially before bed, is good. Sticker charts are a great way to keep one on track. 

These oral kits need to include: 

  • New toothbrushes of their choice.  You should make sure to change every quarter, as they are good for remembering to keep them clean 
  • Mild toothpaste with fluoride in them, so that they get a fun, exciting flavor 
  • Flavored floss or even flossing holders 

For kids 8 to 12 years old, they’re preteens, starting at new life stages, and teeth usually start to enter a new stage, which is the braces stage. It’s recommended that children get their first orthodontic checkup at the age of seven or so.  When setting this up, you can also ask your dentist for referrals to orthodontists if you’re worried about teeth alignment. 

When you put together a dental care kit, having these supplies in their gym bag, along with deodorant and shower gel, will help them stay on top of their oral health. 

Finally, you can get them an electric toothbrush. 

Their oral kit should contain: 

  • Battery powered toothbrushes for home, and a soft-bristle toothbrush on the go 
  • Fluoride toothpastes of choice 
  • Flavored floss and a flosser 
  • A small pouch to hold this 

Then at ages 12 to 18, you want to focus on the stress of teenagerhood.  They are definitely something that you’ll want to keep on hand.  You should give them a reminder either in their phone, or even notes. 

Adolescence is usually the best time to focus on keeping the cavities away, and brushing with fluoride types of toothpaste and treatment is good.  You want to make sure that you have good oral care, and also eat a diet that’s healthy and nutritious, in order to give teenagers healthier mouths. 

Their kit must include: 

  • Portable, manual toothbrushes that are good for their gym bags, or even a tongue cleaner 
  • An electric toothbrush that’s battery powered with different settings 
  • Travel mouthwash 
  • Fluoride toothpastes of their choice.  

These are all good for their bags to get them on the right path to oral health and success.